Saturday, January 16, 2016

Ear pain while flying

Air travel is the fastest way to travel over long distances, but it can be stressful to pack and make sure that you have done everything correctly in order to get through airport security.Some people can get nervous when getting on a 
  flight even though they have traveled on a flight many times.

Some find it fun and get excited every time they travel by flight. 

After checking-in, getting past security, and boarding the plane, sit back and settle yourself in. 

Follow and always listen to the emergency procedures no matter how many time you had already listened to it. Its time for takeoff!!! 

During takeoff or descend , some may experience pain in their ears. If possible, try not to get on a plane when you have a cold, nasal congestion, ear infection.

Some tips to avoid ear pain:
  • Chew on a candy, peanuts to salivate.
  • Do not sleep during take off or descend
  • Yawn and swallow
  • Use filtered earplugs. These earplugs slowly equalize the pressure against your eardrum during ascents and descents. You can purchase these at drugstores, airport gift shops or your local hearing clinic.
  • Drink water
  • Consider eardrops
  • Press the back of your ears gently with your finger till down to your throat.
  • Blow your nose slowly with your mouth closed.(Take caution while doing this. Do not blow hardly, it will damage your eardrums). 
Have a safe and fantastic journey!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everybody who travels in flight have a doubt on avoiding this ear pain,definitely it will be a useful one.